Senator Ben Allen Receives LABA Icon Award in Beverly Hills
Updated: Oct 8, 2023
Todd Williamson, Dr. Lingyun Xiang, Senator Ben Allen with his LABA Icon Award, Lauren Pizer Mains, Consultant to the Joint Committee on the Arts, Joey Zhou, Founder of LABA, Princess Karen Cantrell, Samuel Liu, Deputy Chief of Staff, District Director, and Rad Nowroozi, District Representative
Beverly Hills, California, USA. 5th October, 2023. California State Senator Ben Allen received his Los Angeles Beverly Arts (LABA) Award with members of the LABA Icon Awards Committee and members of his staff at a special presentation at the Beverly Gardens in Beverly Hills, California. Senator Allen was unable to attend the LABA Icon Awards Ceremony on September 22nd, 2023, so the meeting was arranged to give him his award.
Senator Ben Allen with his LABA Icon Award
Senator Ben Allen represents the 24th Senate District, covering the Westside, Hollywood, South Bay, and Santa Monica Mountains communities of Los Angeles County. He is actively involved in the arts for the state of California, and serves as Vice-Chairman of the Joint Committee on the Arts. The committee focuses on the status of art education, the budget and programs of the California Arts Council and recommendations for legislation related to the arts in California.
The members of the LABA Board and LABA Icon Awards Committee that were present were Joey Zhou, founder of LABA, Todd Williamson, and Princess Karen Cantrell. LABA Icon Award winner Dr. Lingyun Xiang was also invited to attend the presentation.
Todd Williamson and LABA Blue-chip artist Jiannan Huang by video conference (iPhone)
LABA Blue-chip Artist Jiannan Huang, winner of the LABA Lifetime Achievement Award sent his congratulations to Senator Ben Allen and the other winners of the LABA Icon Award for their achievements, and to the LABA Icon Awards Committee for a successful event. He looks forward to an opportunity to come to Los Angeles and meet the artists and LABA team members some time in the near future.
Dr. Lingyun Xiang, Joey Zhou, Senator Ben Allen, Princess Karen Cantrell, and Todd Williamson
Before the presentation, LABA Board members held a board meeting to discuss LABA business and the future of LABA. The Board members present were Joey Zhou, founder of LABA, Todd Williamson, and Princess Karen Cantrell.
LABA Board members Todd Williamson, Joey Zhou, founder of LABA, and Princess Karen Cantrell hold a Board meeting
The Beverly Arts News is sponsored by The Beverly Arts Foundation