The Beverly Arts
"Across the Hill of Gratitude" - A Poem
Updated: Jun 1, 2022
Author: Joey Zhou
Translated from Chinese: Joey Zhou
Music: YouTube link:
What pierces the dawn is a trace of dew
A bird chirping resounds through the emptiness
What accumulates affection is a greeting
What tears apart sadness is a smile
Near mountains near, Far mountains far
The near mountains are warm
Longings are there in the distant mountains;
It's a drum that rings the bell
The autumn rain is a cloud
The sad parting is a touch of sunset
Kissing the earth is a dark green
Near mountains near, Far mountains far
There is a moon near the mountains
There is morning sunshine in the distant mountains
Moon, sunshine, warmth, longing
This is my real heart.
(Written on 11/06/2015 in Diamond Bar, California)
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