The Beverly Arts
Celebrating International China Concern’s 30th Anniversary "Stand for Children" Gala
David Gotts, founder of ICC, gives a speech to the audience
Newport Beach, California, USA. 10th December, 2023. The International China Concern (ICC) celebrated its 30th Anniversary "Stand for Children" Gala at the Renaissance Newport Beach Hotel in Newport Beach, California. The event was presented by American Friends of ICC (AFICC), and featured presentations, cultural performances, and fundraising activities for the organization. From its humble beginnings in China 30 years ago, ICC has grown to become a trusted advocate and innovative leader in providing compassionate care for children with disabilities. ICC, in partnership with the government, provides family-style care for children in welfare centers and community outreach services.
Ken Smith, Chairman of the American Friends of ICC (AFICC), Michele Harris, ICC International Advisory Council member, and David Gotts, Founder of ICC
David Gotts, the founder of ICC, gave a compelling speech on the need in China, and shared his stories of triumph and transformation during ICC’s history. Within China’s ever-changing social landscape, ICC’s nurturing care is modeling a new standard of support and empowerment for children with disabilities. Dedicated teams of physical and occupational therapists, special educators, social workers, vocation trainers and medical staff work to help children live with hope, dignity, and opportunity. In recent years, the center of the ICC organization has shifted from helping abandoned babies to helping families of disabled children.
The hosts of the event actress/model Dustin Quick, TV host Joey Zhou, and ICC International Advisory Council member, Michele Harris
The gala hosts were international bilingual TV host Joey Zhou, actress/model Dustin Quick, and ICC International Advisory Council member, Michele Harris. Singer Keegan Ferrell was the featured performer, who appreared on "The Voice" television show in Season 20. Keegan shared his story about being abandoned as a newborn in China He was adopted at six months old and grew up in the U.S.
Keegan Ferrell performs on stage
TV host Joey Zhou, Keegan Ferrell, and ICC International Advisory Council member, Michele Harris
World Financial Group was recognized for their commitment to developing the WFG Family Center in Changsha. ICC’s Family Partners Program restores and strengthens vulnerable families with the care and equipping they need to thrive. ICC also has a vocational training program that opens up opportunities for youth with disabilities to participate in employment training and life skills development.
Members of the World Financial Group announced their WFG Family Center in Changsha, China
David Gotts, Founder of International China Concern (ICC), shares a toast with guests
ICC believes that every child deserves to have hope for the future and the opportunity to reach their full potential. A lifetime of opportunity is possible for children with disabilities!
American Friends of International China Concern (also known as American Friends of ICC or AFICC) is the registered name for the US office of International China Concern. American Friends of ICC is dedicated to educating people about disability and Chinese culture, mobilizing volunteers, raising the funding need to support the programs in China, collaborating with like-minded organizations, and sharing about lives transformed - all in support of those ICC serves.
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