The Beverly Arts
"We Are Still Evolving" Art Exhibition Presented by Peimbert Art and Building Bridges Exchange
Updated: Nov 8, 2021
TV Host Joey Zhou and artist Ariel Vargassal with his Certificate of Participation in the Los Angeles Beverly Arts (LABA) International Art Festival
Santa Monica, California, USA. 6th November, 2021. The "We Are Still Evolving" art exhibition opening was held at the Building Bridges Exchange in Santa Monica, California in partnership with Peimbert Art Contemporary. Curated by Luis Peimbert & Marisa Cachiolo, the exhibition featured the following artists: Lluís Barba, Francisco Esnayra, Xevi Vilaró, Ariel Vargassal, Jorge Marín, and Alberto García. TV host Joey Zhou attended the exhibition and met with two artists who are participating in the LABA International Art Festival, Ariel Vargassal and Petra Eiko.
Petra Eiko, Joey Zhou, and Ariel Vargassal with their Certificate of Participation in the Los Angeles Beverly Arts (LABA) International Art Festival.
LABA Blue-chip artist Jiannan Huang joined in by video conference call to meet the artists and congratulate them for participating in the LABA International Art Festival. Ariel Vargassal is an award-winning visual artist and paints dynamic scenes of humans and animals to address social issues through metaphor. He is inspired by his Mexican heritage and indigenous traditions across the Americas, and identifies as a cultural commentator and storyteller. Petra Eiko is a German artist and uses art, public projects, and poetry to help increase tolerance among people around the world. Her artwork has been exhibited internationally in the United States, Germany, Italy, Chile, Cuba and Korea.
Artist Petra Eiko meets LABA Blue-chip artist Jiannan Huang by video conference with Joey Zhou.
Artist Ariel Vargassal meets LABA Blue-chip artist Jiannan Huang by video conference with Joey Zhou.
Petra Eiko, Joey Zhou with artist Jiannan Huang by video conference, and Ariel Vargassal with their Certificates of Participation in the LABA International Art Festival.
LABA Blue-chip artist Jiannan Huang at his studio in Beijing, China.
With more than 18 years of experience, Peimbert Art has become one of the most representative art galleries of the Mexican Pacific. Building Bridges Art Exchange is dedicated to actively engaging diverse artists, leaders, audiences, and supporters through our mission of cultivating cultural understanding through the arts.
Established in 2005 by Argentinean artist Marisa Caichiolo, Building Bridges Art Exchange was created as a platform that enables artists from across the globe to connect, engage in peaceful dialogue, and create narratives that explore political issues and social movements which impact different regions of the world.
Joey Zhou at the "We Are Still Evolving" art exhibition.
Joey Zhou at the "We Are Still Evolving" art exhibition.
Petra Eiko with her Certificate of Participation in the LABA International Art Festival.